
[Mewtwo之Gyakushu OST] Inochi Aru Mono

主题曲 (井之町)是 ((Ano Hi no Kawa e),但在电影中从未演唱过,因此仅在木村由美的第一首单曲中包含,后来在《千与千寻》纪念盒中包含。



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The whiteness of the clouds left behind by a plane Draw a line across the blue sky Always, no matter to where, always continuing As if it knew tomorrow In my chest I breathed in a shallow breath I remember the breeze that blew on my hot cheek The hands and feet which are bound before the future Are freed by a quiet voice So nostalgic that I want to scream out, is One life, the midsummer light At your shoulder, swaying, the sunbeams streaming through the leaves The white ball at rest The petals which have been scattered by the wind The invisible river which carries both Singing while flowing on Secrets and lies and joy Are the children of the gods who created this universe * The heart which is bound before the future Someday, will remember its name So loved that I want to scream out, is One life, the place to return to At my fingertips, the summer day which doesn't disappear * Repeat 


  • @ Magistel2我相信有人会认为歌词与电影情节关系不大(也许如果措辞要问它与电影情节是否有关系,则最好将范围界定)。但是,如果您不同意,请访问我们的meta post一个问题,以便我们更好地讨论此主题。
  • 我从《千与千寻》纪念盒中的小册子上摘下了官方的日语歌词。可以在《千与千寻》影像专辑中找到另一种有声表达(但不是歌词)的 。有关日语歌词的解释,您可以咨询此问题。

当这首歌说到一条河时,可能与河中的主题有关 千与千寻 例如千寻(Chihiro)如何将鞋子掉到河里,并帮助沐浴被污染的河水。同样,最重要的是,白宫是河流的灵魂。 千与千寻 似乎以河流为中心。除此之外,歌曲和电影之间似乎没有其他联系。两者都涉及一条河可能只是一个巧合。